Monday, June 17, 2013

Mobile for ME Time... How Smartphone Usage in North America is all about ME

BBDO in collaboration with AOL recently released a study called Seven Shades of Mobile about usage patterns of mobile in North America.  Not surprisingly, as the penetration levels continue to move towards 100%, usage is starting to reflect normal media consumption behaviors.

What was once considered a platform for people on the move (insert media programs involving SMS and QR codes here) has undeniably become a platform for people with time on their hands (often, at home).   Almost 50% of Smartphone usage can be attributed to ME time.  This time is defined as “relaxation and entertainment in order to indulge oneself or pass the time”.

A staggering 864 Minutes per month per user of “ME” time is being spent on smartphones by people who are looking to relax and be entertained as opposed to accomplishing tasks.

When adding mobile to the marketing mix - a growing priority across all categories, it’s important to consider that ME time is not to be disrupted.  ME time needs to be enhanced, sponsored, celebrated and gifted. 

For advertisers, this means exploring sponsored experiences, testing new apps and aligning with the ME time experiences that make sense for you brand.  Mobile ads work, but try to find a balance to avoid disrupting your target while they are engaged in ME time experiences.
Cast a wide net, create some structure to your testing and consider your brand's purpose - are you a developer of apps or are you the best at something else?  You might find that leaning towards partnering with committed developers allows you to better focus on what your brand is needs to communicate.

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